hi, my name is owen park.

computer engineering at the university of michigan



R10K-Style Multithread Out-of-Order RISC-V Processor

A fully synthesizable R10K-style processor based on the RISC-V ISA in SystemVerilog with a 2-way superscalar architecture, simultaneous multithreading, and advanced features such as an 4-way associative cache, tournament branch predictor, and instruction prefetching. Achieved a clock period of 7.85ns and an average CPI of 1.05. Designed and implemented from scratch with a group of 4 other classmates as a part of EECS 470: Computer Architecture at the University of Michigan.






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Podium Prints Website

A Next.js 14 fullstack ecommerce website to sell high-quality automotive artwork. Used Docker Compose, Terraform, and LocalStack to create an instant development environment with a mock S3 server and local MongoDB database. Dockerized and deployed to production on a VPS.


Tailwind CSS








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Michigan Woman Investment Group Website

A one page static website for the Michigan Woman Investment Group on campus. Deployed on Github Pages.




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University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI

B.S.E. in Computer Engineering

April 2025

  • GPA: 3.92 / 4.0
  • Coursework: Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Digital Circuits, Wireless Systems, Signals and Systems, CS Pragmatics, Discrete Math, Calculus I-IV, Linear Algebra, Probability


Michigan Mars Rover

Ann Arbor, MI

Embedded Software Member

Fall 2022 - Present

  • Integrated FreeRTOS on STM32 microcontrollers in C to manage concurrent tasks with various sensors, ensuring efficient communication and coordination between the subsystems
  • Designed and implemented a C++ ROS nodelet, interfacing the NVIDIA MTTCAN driver on our Jetson and integrating netlink sockets for CAN interface activation
  • Leveraged multithreading to concurrently read from ROS topics and communicate with the CAN bus, enhancing real-time data exchange efficiency
  • Accomplished successful CAN communication between various STM32G4 microcontrollers, allowing for full functionality on our rover, replacing our existing I2C system

University of Michigan CSE Department

Ann Arbor, MI

Undergraduate Researcher

Fall 2023 - Present

  • Researching how large language models can be used to generate infrastructure as code configuration files for Terraform from natural language descriptions to present at the International Conference on Machine Learning
  • Building a comprehensive dataset of over 1,000 different prompts, policies, and target configurations of Terraform AWS resources
  • Leveraging machine learning techniques to achieve a significant reduction in error rates and up to a 20% improvement in code synthesis accuracy during preliminary testing


R10K-Style Out-of-Order RISC-V Processor in SystemVerilog

Spring 2024

  • Spearheading the design and implementation of a RISC-V MIPS R10K-based out-of-order processor from scratch, employing SystemVerilog for high-level synthesis with a group of 4 other classmates
  • Integrating simultaneous multithreading (SMT) with a 2-way superscalar architecture, doubling instruction throughput, and customizing thread scheduling and resource allocation mechanisms to maximize parallelism
  • Incorporating advanced features such as an N-way associative cache, tournament branch predictor, and instruction/data prefetching

Podium Prints Ecommerce Website - Full-Stack - podium-prints.com

Fall 2023

  • Developed a full-stack ecommerce web app in TypeScript with a Next.js frontend and an Express backend, integrating Payload CMS to easily access a MongoDB database and AWS S3 bucket
  • Managed API endpoints using tRPC, ensuring a type-safe backend that seamlessly integrated with the frontend
  • Leveraged the Stripe API and webhooks to handle secure and efficient payment processing
  • Used Docker Compose, Terraform, and LocalStack to create an instant development environment with a mock S3 server and local MongoDB database


  • Languages: C, C++, {System}Verilog, RISC-V Assembly, Python, Java, {Java/Type}Script, SQL, Bash, HCL
  • Web Technologies: React, Next.js, Express, Node.js, MongoDB, HTML, CSS
  • Technical/Tools: Git, AWS (SDK, S3, and EC2), Docker, Terraform, Makefile, CMake

Honors and Activities

  • Honors: James B. Angell Scholar, University Honors, Perfect ACT Scorer, AP Scholar with Distinction x3
  • Affiliations: Traders at Michigan, Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association
  • Hobbies: 7v7 Intramural Flag Football, 3v3 Intramural Basketball, Poker, Traveling, Hiking
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